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Arthritis and Rheumatism can be very debilitating conditions which can make life difficult for those who suffer with it. They are one of the commonest forms of chronic disease in people as they progress in age.  Daily tasks such as going up the stairs, brushing teeth and even combing hair can be very painful tasks for those who suffer with arthritis. Arthritis affects the joints whereas Rheumatism affects the connective tissue that supports and moves the joints. In many cases people will have both of these conditions together.

Arthritis affects the joints and usually caused by ‘wear and tear’ of the cartilage which causes the joint to become stiff and even creak on movement. In the onset of arthritis is usually in later age. However Rheumatism can start as earlier and symptoms can even begin as early as in the 30’s and it can quickly begin to affect mobility and movement.

Homeopathy is an effective way of dealing with Arthritis and Rheumatism.  The choice of medicine will depend on your exact symptoms so if you look at the five choices below and message the number that most applies to you along with your order then the medicine that is most specific to you can be sent to you.

  1. Symptoms are worse in the cold and weather. Feel better when moving, rubbing or stretching.
  2. Feel better when pressure or bandage is applied to the affected area. Feel cold but also feel better if a cold application is put on the affected area.
  3. Feel pain on movement, mainly in the small joints. Symptoms coincide with a delayed monthly cycle in women.
  4. A lot of swelling and bruised feeling which is worse with touch. Everything feels hard when lying down.
  5. Swelling around joints and tendons due to previous injury. Weakness in legs.


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