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This time of year brings on colds and flus as well as painful throat infections like Tonsillitis.  Tonsillitis mainly affects children although some adults also suffer from this condition.  The main symptoms associated with Tonsillitis are enlarged glands in the throat with pain, temperature, headache, loss of appetite and sometimes it even leads to upper respiratory infections.

Homeopathy is an effective way of dealing with Tonsillitis and the symptoms it creates.  The choice of medicine will depend on your exact symptoms so if you look at the three choices below and message the number that most applies to you along with your order then the medicine that is most specific to you can be sent to you.

  1. Swollen tonsils with pain. White mucus on the tonsils.  Splinter like pain in the throat spreading to the ear when swallowing.
  2. Swollen tonsils with dryness and redness. Difficulty in swallowing even liquids.

Contact us on 0758 7237002  for a free discussion about your condition.

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